Living an adventurous life

P1040568 (Large)A trip around the world is an adventure, but so is my and our everyday life. Living an adventurous life is about pushing myself out of my comfort zone and trying new things.

I also love sitting in my house drinking tea, writing, reading and working. I like my life at home and my life with a routine, just as much as I love my more adventurous pursuits. And it’s a completely different love, but an important one.

LimitAdventure always shapes me. It pulls me out of my comfortable life and shakes me awake. It is the sand in between my toes. That might sound like it is out of reach. But no, it is not. There are no rules for adventure. There is no one way to do it. Our lives are so different, in many ways.

I can find adventure every day – it is not just the big stuff. It comes in small steps too. I try to stop saying I do not have time, and I try to stop saying I do not have money. Everything is possible, you just have to want it. And I do say yes to things outside of the normal. Hehe, but what is normal?

Living adventurously is a mindset where I remove the limits I placed on myself. If I want to go to Zimbabwe, I will. As long as I decide to, I will go wherever I want to.

Über sl4lifestyle

Journalistin aus Leidenschaft, Tierschützerin mit Hingabe und neugierig auf das Leben. Ich stelle Fragen. Ich suche Antworten. Und ab und zu möchte ich die Welt ein Stückweit besser machen ... Manchmal gelingt es!
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3 Antworten zu Living an adventurous life

  1. One should always go there where one would like!
    Liebe Gruesse Monika

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